We had an ultrasound today and our little man is now 2 pds and 14 oz he is also measuring 2 days bigger so HOPEFULLY he will come earlier! I love this little boy so much and havent even meet him yet! He is so cute and it looks like he is getting his baby chub, everyone says he has my nose and i have to say i agree he has his mommy's nose :) Kyle talks to my belly everynight now or whenever we actually have time to spend together and Brysen sure knows his daddy its so cute, Kyle will talk to him and he will wake up and start kicking and punching, i LOVE seeing the huge smile my hubby gets on his face, he is so excited that brysen knows who he is :)! During the ultrasound Brysen kicked and punched at the ultrasound thing the whole time following it around it was so funny! We are so happy and getting more and more excited for our sweet little boy to get here! He has been and will always be such a huge blessing in our lives!
a belly picture so everyone stops bugging me haha :) and for my family to see who live out of town! I am 29 weeks and 1 day in this picture!

this is his cute little face its hard to see but it looks like he is smiling :)

That is his cute little hands by his face♥

Saying hi to mom and dad with his cute little hand :)