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Saturday, September 29, 2012
Cayden Nicholas Compton
Our sweet little bundle of joy has arrived! Cayden Nicholas Compton was born Monday September 24, 2012 at 12:26 p.m. 6lbs 9ozs 18 inches long! Of course he decides to come at the worst possible time but now I have decided it was a blessing in disguise! Sunday I had been having contractions on and off all day nothing consistent! We had been getting all the last minute packing and stuff done for our move on tuesday! Later that night they started to be very consistent but I didn't want to time them because I wanted to work my shifts the rest of the week and get all moved in to our house! I told my mom and she made me start timing them! For an hour I had them every 4 to 5 minutes, she told me ha "your in labor, go to the hospital" and I said "no way, he can't come yet"! I decided to call the Dr and ask her opinion and she said if they get stronger go! I had Kyle and Trent give me a blessing and by this time it was almost midnight and I had the contractions every 4 to 5 minutes still! I decided to get ready just in case we decided to go to the hospital! I was in serious denial that this sweet boy was making his arrival soon! Mind you I was also only 36 weeks and 2 days, finally after I got all ready we decided to go! I was in denial for 3 hours at home and when we got to the hospital I knew I was going to be admitted but still thought no they will just send us home! She checked and I was 70% thinned out and a 4! The nurse called the Dr and I was admitted, I cried cause I was in shock, and so happy he would be in my arms soon I was also sad that it came so quick and that Brysen would wake up the next morning to his whole world changed with a new brother! I went from a 4 to a 5 in less then an hour and thought wow he is going to come quick but I was wrong! Contractions got strong but not bad at all, I got my epidural thinking it would help and guess again I was wrong it slowed me way down! I should have remembered the same thing happened with Brysen! I stayed a 5 for HOURS, after that I finally started progressing again! They wanted to break my water but they couldn't, Cayden was still up to high for them to do it! My Dr came to check on me and she decided to break it! They wanted her to do it because with him not fully dropped his cord could come first and I would have to have an emergency C-section! After she broke it, it was less then an hour later that our sweet boy arrived! The reason he wasn't dropping all the way down was cause my cord was only 12 inches long! The Dr and nurse thought it was wrapped around his neck or leg or something and thats why he wasn't coming down but that was not the case! So crazy to me how they can't see that in an ultrasound how short my cord was! I pushed for 10-12 minutes and out Cayden came into the world! Monday while I was in labor we got a call from our Landlord telling us we could get the keys a day early! Go figure, my sweet, amazing husband moved us into our house for a few hours each day or when he could escape the hospital! I got to come home to a new house that was a complete mess! Here is the part where this all is a blessing in disguise, if Cayden wouldn't have decided to come early Kyle would not have had the whole week off to get us completely unpacked and make our house into a home! I would have had to do most of it while he worked so it to me was a blessing in disguise for this little peanut to come early! We are adjusting great, we love our new house and especially our new little son! He is such a great baby and a great nurser which makes life so much easier! Brysen LOVES his new baby brother and loves to kiss him and hold him! When he crys he always tells him "its okay baby brother"! Such a sweet big brother, lets hope it stays that way! Thank you to everyone who came and visited and helped us move, brought us dinner, and just helped us out with whatever we needed this crazy hectic week, we have the best family and friends :) The biggest thanks to my amazing mother who has helped more then anything and done so much for us and keeps doing so much for us! We sure love you all ♥
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