We headed up to Utah for my Grandma and Grandpa Laughters annual Easter egg hunt! We stayed with my Grandma Abate! On Friday my Grandma took us down to Salt Lake and we went to the Loveland Living Planet Aquarium, the boys had so much fun, they loved all of the animals, and fish! Cayden would point and say "woooow" and never wanted to leave each animal or fish he was looking at! B of course loved it all and didn't want to leave, its a really cool aquarium but still under some construction and missing some of the animals, we can't wait to go back this summer and see it all finished! Saturday we headed to the annual Easter egg hunt and to visit with my grandparents, I have always loved going to the Easter egg hunt, they have done it my whole life and I love seeing my cute boys participate in a tradition I did growing up! We start out with the egg hunt for the little kids, then the older kids get to find the one big, boy and girl egg and whoever does gets a prize! Then we do the pinata which both of my children loved, then we have a lunch and chat with everyone who comes and man is that side of the family huge! Sunday we headed back and just hung out at my grandmas before hand, its always sad to leave and we wish we lived closer to all the family in Utah! I am so glad we were able to make it up for this one cause I have heard it could be the last Easter egg hunt since my grandparents are getting older, I know I will sure miss it and hope they we still have a few more to come!