We had our first doctor appt. today and it went great :] the baby is healthy as can be and growing everyday! The baby is due April 14, 2010! The ultrasound was so amazing i almost cryed it was so cute watching the baby in there moving around and waving its little hands and kicking its little feet! I have so much love for this little baby and i havent even meet it yet :] Its amazing seeing the little baby in there! We are so excited and i am loving every minute of this pregnancy! I have been very very sick but i know it will be totally worth it all in the end cause of this amazing little baby and gift :]
Aww Ashlyn I'm so happy for you! I can't wait to have a little baby...well maybe I can. haha Seriously though, that's so exciting!! When is it due?? Have you thought of any names yet??
I love the cute little pic of the little one. It is hanging on my fridge, I am so excited.
I can't even tell you how happy and excited I am for you! The baby will definitely be a cutie!
Congratulations, Ashlyn!!! If I hadn't stumbled across you blog, we wouldn't even know about this! I hope you get feeling better soon. It will be fun to see what you have...and so fun for you and Shana to have babes so close together!
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