Sunday, March 27, 2011

Happy FIRST Birthday Brysen

a year ago in the hospital :)

Happy 1st Birthday Brysen, we can't believe that you are one today! We love you so much

I can't believe a year has already passed by, I feel like it was last week I found out I was pregnant, and yesterday that I was in the hospital having my cute little man! Now he is one! This past year has been the most amazing, Brysen completes our life so much! I don't know how we ever lived without him!
At 1 year
-He still always say whassss that
-He is walking, he still likes to crawl more then walk
-He shrugs his shoulder, and can shake his head yes and no
-He loves his food, he gets so excited and goes crazy when he knows its time
-He eats real food instead of baby food
-He takes two great naps still
-He drinks only whole milk now, no more formula wohooo
-He dances all the time, its the cutest thing
-He LOVES mickey mouse clubhouse
-When he sees a dog he goes roof roof
-He loves to just sit and play with his toys
-He is such a talker, if only we knew what he was saying
-He is such a monkey and LOVES bananas
I can't believe how much he has learned in the past year, he is such a smart little boy and keeps changing and learning more and more everyday! We love you Brysen Carter and can't wait for the rest of the years to come

i will blog about his party in a few days :)

Friday, March 25, 2011

We have a WALKER :)

Okay i have been slacking, Brysen took his first steps March 5 and March 15 he took off and now he walks! He is very selective at when he wants to, but he can walk around everywhere! He dances while he walks its the cutest thing! Stay tuned cause he turns 1 Sunday and his birthday party is tomorrow :)

Monday, March 7, 2011

My Beautiful Family♥

Have i ever mentioned how much I love my family and how grateful i am for them? I am so blessed and so lucky to have such an amazing family, not just the 3 of us but all of my family! Life is so much more amazing with a great family by your side! These pictures were taken by the wonderful photographer Anna Rasmussen, at the Art District! These 2 make me the happiest girl in the world, life is that much better with both of their faces in my life everyday! ♥
how cute is he in his hat, he looks like such a big boy
Have i also mentioned he started taking steps on saturday march 5 :) 
we are a very happy family, in case you couldn't tell 
my favorite, feet pictures