The next weekend I had one of my very good friends who is starting up a photography business take some pics of the boys in their costumes! B was Captain Hook and Cayden was Peter Pan! I loved them in their costumes so much! We also went to Ella's Trunk or Treat at her school!
The next weekend some people Kyle works with, rented out the pumpkin patch by our house so we had fun hanging out all day at the pumpkin patch and celebrating Ella's Birthday! We also hit up the pumpkin patch during the week too, B is obsessed so one or two times is not enough!
The weekend before Halloween we carved pumpkins and had pumpkin chocolate chip cookies and of course my moms chili, B carved a mean face in his pumpkin and Kyle carved Ariel in the family one! We also went to Shana and Stews Chili cook off!
On Halloween we went to my moms trunk or treat and then headed off to a gated neighborhood where all the kids got so much candy! They were all so cute to watch! B held his pumpkin with his hook until it got to heavy with candy! C man had a really bad cold so he didn't really have to much fun on Halloween night he fell asleep half way threw it all! October was such a fun month! I love keeping busy but it gets a little tiring! Brysen is so sad Halloween is over, he can't wait for next year of course and neither can I! I love this time of year, especially Halloween and Christmas time they are my fav :)

1 comment:
I love that brysen held his pumpkin with his hook!!! Killing me haha
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