Seriously I can't believe how fast time goes by when you have a child! This little boy is now 18 months as of September 27, I keep wondering to myself no he can't be half way too 2, he just turned one or so I feel like! This little man keeps us on our toes 24/7 and is very busy all the time! We love him more then anything even when he is a little devil(that is one of his nicknames i have given him haha)
At 18 months
-Loves books
-Loves Cars, vroom vrooms as he calls them
-Loves his moooom and dada
-Says Hi about a thousand times a day to everyone we pass and he sees
-He likes his nigh nigh (binky) but he only gets it for bed and naps
-Has quit the little temper and attitude, bangs his head on the floor! YES we know he is bound to have with his parents
-He went threw a hitting stage and I am hoping that has come to an end
-He still only has 8 teeth and 2 are molars and the rest of his gums are so swollen, I HATE teething
-He can be very sweet and give hugs and kisses only when he wants
-He loves babies and every time he sees one he says baby, baby mwahhhhh he thinks he needs to give everyone a kiss
-Climbs on everything tables, chairs, couches, anything his possibly can
-He is a trouble maker
-Loves to play with kids, especially his cute cousins :)
-Says lots and lots of words and picks up a new one everyday, drink, nigh nigh, mom, dad, please, thanks, more,HI, fan, waffles, he can say candy in his own way, bye bye, cheese, balloon
-He loves animals, dogs
-Loves planes, cars, ballons, trucks
-LOVES 4 wheelers
-Loves Jake and the Neverland Pirates, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
-He LOVES to dance, he is always dancing
-Acts crazy when he is over tired with a funny laugh and is so silly
-He is all boy and very busy we sure love him
his funny smile |
so proud of himself going down the slide all alone |
Little Vampire |