We did family pictures out at Nelson's Landing a few weeks ago and I could not be more happy with them and how they turned out, my great friend Michelle Clark took them! I haven't been this happy with them in a long time! It is the coolest little place out at Nelson's, they have so much cool vintage stuff, I loved it all! Here are a few of my favs, we have a ton more and I LOVE every single one of them! Thanks Michelle Clark Photography
Friday, November 29, 2013
Friday, November 8, 2013
Halloween Fun all October Long
Halloween is Brysen's favorite holiday so we kept so busy all month long! The first weekend of course we did Disneyland for Halloween time! The next weekend we went to Gilcrease Orchard, Bellagio gardens, and the pumpkin patch! We love going to the orchard and picking our own pumpkins and having apple cider and apple cider donuts! The Gardens are always so fun to see how they decorate for all the holidays this time of year! The kids got wristbands at the pumpkin patch and had a blast! Brysen didn't want to leave he told us to leave him there and that he would just sleep in the castle (jumpy house)
The next weekend I had one of my very good friends who is starting up a photography business take some pics of the boys in their costumes! B was Captain Hook and Cayden was Peter Pan! I loved them in their costumes so much! We also went to Ella's Trunk or Treat at her school!
The next weekend some people Kyle works with, rented out the pumpkin patch by our house so we had fun hanging out all day at the pumpkin patch and celebrating Ella's Birthday! We also hit up the pumpkin patch during the week too, B is obsessed so one or two times is not enough!
The weekend before Halloween we carved pumpkins and had pumpkin chocolate chip cookies and of course my moms chili, B carved a mean face in his pumpkin and Kyle carved Ariel in the family one! We also went to Shana and Stews Chili cook off!
On Halloween we went to my moms trunk or treat and then headed off to a gated neighborhood where all the kids got so much candy! They were all so cute to watch! B held his pumpkin with his hook until it got to heavy with candy! C man had a really bad cold so he didn't really have to much fun on Halloween night he fell asleep half way threw it all! October was such a fun month! I love keeping busy but it gets a little tiring! Brysen is so sad Halloween is over, he can't wait for next year of course and neither can I! I love this time of year, especially Halloween and Christmas time they are my fav :)

The next weekend I had one of my very good friends who is starting up a photography business take some pics of the boys in their costumes! B was Captain Hook and Cayden was Peter Pan! I loved them in their costumes so much! We also went to Ella's Trunk or Treat at her school!
The next weekend some people Kyle works with, rented out the pumpkin patch by our house so we had fun hanging out all day at the pumpkin patch and celebrating Ella's Birthday! We also hit up the pumpkin patch during the week too, B is obsessed so one or two times is not enough!
The weekend before Halloween we carved pumpkins and had pumpkin chocolate chip cookies and of course my moms chili, B carved a mean face in his pumpkin and Kyle carved Ariel in the family one! We also went to Shana and Stews Chili cook off!
On Halloween we went to my moms trunk or treat and then headed off to a gated neighborhood where all the kids got so much candy! They were all so cute to watch! B held his pumpkin with his hook until it got to heavy with candy! C man had a really bad cold so he didn't really have to much fun on Halloween night he fell asleep half way threw it all! October was such a fun month! I love keeping busy but it gets a little tiring! Brysen is so sad Halloween is over, he can't wait for next year of course and neither can I! I love this time of year, especially Halloween and Christmas time they are my fav :)

Sunday, October 13, 2013
Disneyland Halloween Time
This was probably one of the most exhausting Disneyland trips we have ever taken! To start it all off, Friday before we left, we took Indie (our dog) to my moms for my sister to pick up and for Brysen to play with Luke for a bit and Cayden choked and almost died, thankfully my mom was able to get the Captain Crunch out of his throat, it was the scariest thing I have ever seen in my life! I had feed him lunch and put some of the cereal on the high chair for him to eat, I looked over and saw that he was choking and just hit his back, that wasn't helping and he was not coughing or even able to breath, I took him out of the high chair and was hitting his back trying to get it out, that was not working, I shoved my finger in a hook shape down his throat to try to get it out and that didn't work, I could feel it all completely covering his throat, by this time he was turning blue and I started to panic, (I had no clue how to help him and felt helpless) I was so scared my mom took him from me and said "he is coughing that is good" I told her he wasn't and he was turning even more blue, she told me to call 911 and in my head I was thinking he would be dead before anyone showed up if we couldn't help him, finally she shoved her long, skinny finger down his throat and his spit it all out! His whole body had turned blue before she finally got it out his hands, his feet, everything! After all I could do was cry, pray, hug, kiss, squeeze my baby and I was shaking so bad! So that kind of put a damper on the trip for me, Kyle said I was like a zombie the whole way to California and I would cry on and off! We went to California Adventure that night for a few hours and it was so packed and not fun with so many people, Dland had closed at 7 so that park was crazy! That night at the hotel while washing my face, I was exhausted from my day and the water wouldn't turn hot and I thought I just couldn't figure out and was to tired to care! The next morning I got up to shower and played with the shower for 10 minutes trying to get the hot water to work, nope no HOT water, called the front desk and told me they had no hot water, I was so mad that they didn't tell us when we checked in, called the place we booked threw and long story short hot water was supposed to start working at 9 am or we could move hotels! We didn't want to move, we would be in Disneyland all day and didn't want to waste time changing hotels! We decided to go back and rest for a bit and of course when we got back at 4 still no hot water, called and complained again and got my money back for both nights and a 80 dollar voucher and switched hotels, there is more to the story but way to much to type! Needless to say up to this point was not very much fun! After we got checked in to the new hotel everything was so much better and we were able to have such a great time, Of course B had the time of his life even when Kyle and I weren't! We also had some friends the Hamilton's to hang out with on the trip, it was such a blast and our boys are the best of friends, Brysen loved having Ryder to hang out with! Brysen is so fun in Disneyland, he loves to ride all the rides and go from one to the next, man does he have so much energy! Cayden was so good too, he loved looking around on all the rides he could go on, and both boys LOVED the fireworks! Halloween time is probably my fav at Disneyland, I love the way they decorate the whole park, its so amazing! I can't wait to go for Christmas, We have never been and heard its even better then Halloween! Mickey sat on the floor with Cayden so he could be in the picture with Brysen it was the cutest thing and of course Donald Duck always loves him and played with him for 10 minutes, he plays peek a boo, and plays with his hair, it is so cute! I love when the characters are so cute with the kids! All in all it turned out to be a great trip, except the few mishaps and forgetting B's favorite blanket at the hotel and losing his cute mickey buzz light year ears (the lost and found had those the next day) oh and it was gay pride weekend at Disneyland, so it was so packed but we loved being able to spend time with the Hamilton's who are such great friends, and watching our boys have a great time! I am sad our passes our getting close to being expired! Can't wait to go back one maybe two more times!

Friday, September 27, 2013
Happy 1st Birthday Cayden
Happy Birthday to our sweet little 1 year old, all I can say is where did the past year go? I can't believe our little man turned 1 on Tuesday September 24th! We had a birthday party for him on Saturday, just cake and ice cream with some friends and family! Thank you to everyone who came we sure love you all and appreciate it! I had a good friend make him a Donald Duck cake, it turned out so dang cute, I just loved it! I made Cayden his own little cake to eat and he LOVED that, he kept making all these funny excited noises and was so hilarious to watch him eat it! He also loved when everyone was singing to him, he had a huge smile on his face the whole time! On his actual Birthday we got him a little nothing bundt cake, and sang to him again and he ate almost the whole thing!
Cayden at 1 year
-Crawling all around and up the stairs
-he says Mom, Dada, B (for brysen), Kiss, Tickle Tickle, uhh oh, up, Bye and is always just talking away
-Still such a mamas boy and always wants his mom
-Loves his food and will eat whatever you put in front of him
-We took away his bottle and now he is just has a sippy cup
-takes two naps a day and bed time sleeps from 7:30 to usually 8:30 a.m
-He loves his sleep he always laughs or smiles when you put him in his crib
-Loves and looks up to his big brother B so much
-He loves riding front wards in his cart seat, its a whole new world for him
-Kyle got him addicted to coke, every time he sees one he thinks he needs to drink some
-Such a happy guy still and always laughing and smiling
-He is so good at standing and moving around but is not confident enough to walk
-He waves Bye bye, always clapping his hands too
Cayden at 1 year
-Crawling all around and up the stairs
-he says Mom, Dada, B (for brysen), Kiss, Tickle Tickle, uhh oh, up, Bye and is always just talking away
-Still such a mamas boy and always wants his mom
-Loves his food and will eat whatever you put in front of him
-We took away his bottle and now he is just has a sippy cup
-takes two naps a day and bed time sleeps from 7:30 to usually 8:30 a.m
-He loves his sleep he always laughs or smiles when you put him in his crib
-Loves and looks up to his big brother B so much
-He loves riding front wards in his cart seat, its a whole new world for him
-Kyle got him addicted to coke, every time he sees one he thinks he needs to drink some
-Such a happy guy still and always laughing and smiling
-He is so good at standing and moving around but is not confident enough to walk
-He waves Bye bye, always clapping his hands too
-gives high fives
-His way he always jibber jabbers is hilarious, nothing like I have ever heard any other baby haha
-Gives kisses and hugs and will lay his head down and say awwwww
-He always has to talk to his food before he eats it, makes me laugh so hard, especially if its a treat
I can't even begin to tell you how much we love this little boy and are so happy we have been blessed with him in our lives! We love you so much Cayden Nicholas! Happy Happy 1st Birthday ♥

-His way he always jibber jabbers is hilarious, nothing like I have ever heard any other baby haha
-Gives kisses and hugs and will lay his head down and say awwwww
-He always has to talk to his food before he eats it, makes me laugh so hard, especially if its a treat
I can't even begin to tell you how much we love this little boy and are so happy we have been blessed with him in our lives! We love you so much Cayden Nicholas! Happy Happy 1st Birthday ♥

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