Thursday, June 18, 2009


So friday night we packed our bags and off toVegas it was :]! We made a detour to see my dad and had a great time just hanging out and seeing my little bros, dad and Beth! The total hours of our trip in the car was 41 HOURS, yes i know crazy! The drive really sucked but the company was great, i love my cute husband and dog! Our dog slept the WHOLE way haha she is so lazy and such a good little travelor! We are so exhausted but happy to have made it back safe and sound to Vegas! :]

Lucy slept this way pretty much the whole time she is such a silly dog :]

My brother Ethan has the craziest and cutest hair :] i always fro it when i see him!

The sky was so scary passing threw tornado valley the sky was so black, we thought a tornado was about to just come out of the sky, thank goodness it didn't, the other picture is The Gateway to the West, it was very cool and Kyle couldn't wait to see it


Anonymous said...

i love your pictres! so cute!! i can't believe how long your hair is, i hate you! i'm officially growing mine out! i can't wait to lay out with you and drink slurpees. SOON PLEASE? maybe'll bring a book to dunk in the spa.......on PURPOSE this time!

stewart.shana.ella said...

I still can't believe Ethan's hair..... seriously nuts:)