Friday, August 27, 2010

My blue eyed boy♥

Is now 5 months old, are you joking me? he is getting so big so quick and time needs to slow down a little!
We love this boy and can't get enough of him, he is such, calm, great, cute, and amazing little baby!
-At his last dr appt he weighed 17pds 4ozs and was 26.2 inches long
-He is so smart and trys to copy everything you do and have a conversation with you
-He loves his baby einstein toys they are his favortie
-He loves his mikey mouse
-His burp cloth is his most favorite thing, you could give him a toy and that and he would be more interested in his burp cloth
-He loves the water and loves going swimming
-He sleeps from 8 to 7 or 8(if his teeth are not bugging him)
-He takes 2, 3 hour naps a day
-He is so happy and smiley, I love it
-He has started to scoot
-He finally likes tummy time, not for to long but he likes it
-He will only roll over when he wants to he is lazy haha
-When you cover him up for his naps and bedtime he kicks his covers right off :)

We love our little man :) he has brought so much joy into our life in these 5 short months

his favorite ways to sleep :)

his new toy he loves it :)

haha he fell asleep in his bumbo i was laughing so hard silly boy :)

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Cutest Boys :)

Sorry to say but these 2 little boys are the cutest little boys EVER and no others compare!
These boys are the happiest, sweetest, funniest, cutest and amazing little men ever! I could go on and on about them but i won't! I hope they grow up to be best friends! I love how close they both are to eachother, and still can't get over that my sister and i had them 8 days apart seriously when does that ever happen? sisters having babies a week apart prolly not very often! We took them swimming today, we take them swimming at least once a week, they both love the water so i had to take some pics of them in there little swimmer diapers :) Brysen is my little fishy!!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Family Pictures♥

I love my little family
My 2 boys are my most favorite people ever
Anna Rasmussen took these pictures at town square♥

Saturday, August 7, 2010

I can't help but wonder......

I love his little feet :)

Where in the world the time is going! I feel like my little boy was this little just yesterday :)
I look at all of his pictures from when he was this little everyday! I wish the newborn stage lasted longer, they get so big so fast and do not stay tiny for long! Don't get me wrong i LOVE watching him grow and learn new things everyday and i also can't wait for him to grow up to see what he looks like and hear his little voice and watch him learn to walk and crawl and everything else but its sad how time just flys by and they grow up in the blink of an eye! Brysen is such a blessing to our little family :) what a huge change it has been for us but we love it and couldn't imagine our life any other way!

I also keep wondering what happened to all of his hair he had SO SO much and now he is pretty bald