Saturday, August 21, 2010

Cutest Boys :)

Sorry to say but these 2 little boys are the cutest little boys EVER and no others compare!
These boys are the happiest, sweetest, funniest, cutest and amazing little men ever! I could go on and on about them but i won't! I hope they grow up to be best friends! I love how close they both are to eachother, and still can't get over that my sister and i had them 8 days apart seriously when does that ever happen? sisters having babies a week apart prolly not very often! We took them swimming today, we take them swimming at least once a week, they both love the water so i had to take some pics of them in there little swimmer diapers :) Brysen is my little fishy!!


Adam and Ashley said...

What about brothers and sisters? Glad you guys live close to each other so they can grow up together. I love taking the little ones swimming.

stewart.shana.ella said...

Love our cute boys:)

The Andersons said...

oh my gosh....SO adorable.