Friday, August 17, 2012

4D Ultrasound

Today we went to Miracle in Progress to have a 4D Ultrasound of Mr. Cayden, he is so stinking cute I can't hardly stand it! The Tech said that he has LOTS of hair, chubby chubby cheeks, a cute button nose and I think he looks SO much like Brysen! Sorry babe my genes just kick yours away :) In the pictures of him, his face is right next to my placenta and he is already head down, the tech said he likes to use my placenta as a pillow for his little face, so it was hard to get great pictures but I think they are pretty good even with my placenta being right in his face! You can still see how dang cute he is! Having this ultrasound makes us more and more excited for his arrival which will probably be in about 6 weeks :) These pictures are of Cayden at 31 weeks!

He is sticking out his tongue :)

This is his little foot in case you can't tell :)

Friday, August 10, 2012


Today I had a doctor appointment, and I am so excited it was pretty much all GOOD news! I am 30 weeks and baby and I are doing great! This sweet little boy seems to be more calm in my belly then his brother, he is still very active, it is funny cause he likes to hangout in all the same spots in my belly he is always behind my right rib ( and if your wondering so far it doesn't hurt that he hangs out in my rib) and down on my left side more towards my hip! I remember Brysen always being all over the place! I have been having to go to the Dr. more then normal, at 20 weeks my amniotic fluid was at a high normal and I was having a LOT of braxton hicks, I had tons with Brysen so to me it was normal! They had me going for more ultrasounds and they had me doing fetal fiber necatins, no idea if that's how you spell it, cause they were worried about pre term labor! Today they checked and it is down and more normal and my belly is measuring perfect so they are NOT making me do any of that stuff anymore! I am so glad, I was getting so sick of it and I was not even that worried about it! We also found out today that this sweet little boy will be here end of next month or very beginning of October! My due date is actually October 19 but with my placenta issues he has to come early! I can't even wait or believe that he will be here so soon! We have a ultrasound in 3 weeks to check out the babies growth, if it is doing what it did with Brysen I will be put on bed rest so I am hoping that doesn't happen, at 36 weeks I will have another ultrasound to check his growth again and then a week or 2 after that the dr said we will be delivering baby Cayden! Hopefully everything goes smoothly and that he does not have to come any earlier then we have planned! This pregnancy has been a little more stressful for me and I am ready for it to be over and have a healthy sweet little boy in my arms! I am so thankful that Cayden and  I have been watched over by Heavenly Father! After today I know everything will work out perfect! Next week we are getting a 4d ultrasound to see what the little man looks like! Can't wait :)

Sunday, August 5, 2012


I can't even begin to tell you how much we love this little guy, he brightens are day everyday! I had to write this post more so for us to remember how funny and cute he is right now! This little boy says the funniest things that crack me up all the time! I am sure I will have to come back and add more because he says different things all the time and I am sure I have forgotten some too!
-One morning I asked what he wanted for breakfast and he told me "Fries and Coke"
-He started calling me mamacita, so now he adds that to everyone's name, daddycita, grammycita, lukeycita, woodycita! Kyle hates it that he calls him that but I happen to think it is hilarious
-He calls popsicles, popsuckers haha
-When he jumps in the pool he will clap and say "brysen, brysen, brysen" a million times before he jumps
-When he sings itsy bitsy spider he sings it "itsy bitsy spiderman"
-He loves fireworks so at night in his prayers a few times he would thank heavenly father for fireworks
-Love is Lobe, and he tells Kyle and I all the time that he Lobes us, and woody and a lot of his toys!
-He asked me to see his brother, and told me he wants to kiss him and hug him
-He will randomly bust out and say "SHAKE YO BOOOOOTAYY"
-He always talks about himself in 3rd person, He always says "what's Brysen doing", or "Brysen silly"  "thank you Brysen, your welcome Brysen" and lots more!
-He loves Little Rascals, so he is always saying "otay" instead of okay
-He is talking in sentences now which I think is the cutest thing ever
-His way of counting is 1,2,4,5,6,7,8
-He loves to sing I am a Child Of God ( we sing it every night before bed)
-His most favorite thing right now is garbage trucks
-He LOVES milk and drinks so much of it
-Kyle taught him to give the look which is in one of the pics below in his batman shirt
-He loves big trucks
For now I can't think of all the other funny things so I will be coming back and editing
We love you Brysen Carter