Christmas was great this year and we got tons of great stuff! The week before my dad came to visit so he could see all of us kids before Christmas and it was so great to see him :) Christmas Eve we hungout with Kyle's Family and then all of my family stayed the night at my mom's it was soo fun! Ella was so fun to watch on christmas it is lots more fun with a little one around and we cant wait till next year when we have our sweet little one to celebrate it with! Christmas is such a great time of year and i love it i feel like everyone is always so much happier! I am so thankful for the season and hope that everyone remembers the real reason for the season and the great gift we all were given when Jesus Christ was born! Happy Holidays Everyone we love you all :)
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Our little BOY♥

Our sweet litte boy is growing and getting so big, today we had the detailed ultrasound where they make sure he has all his toes and fingers, his heart and head measure normal, if he has both kidneys and tons more, he was perfect! I am in love with this little boy he is so cute and has the cutest face and profile! We are so grateful for this little boy and how healthy he is!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
On friday night we all went over to my sister Shana's and carved pumpkins and ate chilly, it was so much fun :) I made kyle do pretty much all of our pumpkin cause i was to scared to mess it up, he did a great job! On halloween i had to work so kyle got to have fun and dress up in the Gorilla suit and scare all the little kids, it sounded like he was being so funny i wish i wouldn't have missed it!

Ella painting her pumpkin :)
Ella painting her pumpkin :)
Everyones Pumpkins :)
Friday, October 23, 2009
Its a BOY :)
Our little baby is a BOY :) his name will be Brysen Compton, we are so excited he is stuborn, during the ultrasound to find out what it was he just kept his little feet crossed the WHOLE time and then he finally let us have a little peek! After the appt me, Shana, and my Mom went to target and my mom got him a little blanket! Then we went to gap and my mom bought him some outfits and so did i! I am in love with his cute little clothes and cant wait till April to put them on his cute little body :)
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Family Trip :)
We had a wonderful family trip with my family :) We went to California we left sunday and hung out and went swimming that night! On Monday we went to Newport beach and had a great time, everyone played in the sand, the boys played football! Kyle made a sand castle as you can see haha it was a great day! Later that night we went to Downtown Disney for a little shopping! Tuesday was my cute niece Ella's Birthday she turned 3 so we celebrated in Disneyland :) we had breakfast with Minnie and Friends and then had a fun filled day at Disneyland! It was a great trip a BIG thanks to my Mom and Trent for taking all of us kids! I love Disneyland :)
Thursday, October 15, 2009

Amber Chase, September 15, 1978-October 14, 2009
She was such an amazing person she touched our whole families life, and also the lives of people all over the whole world who she had never even meet! She fought for her life and held on longer then they ever said she could, she is in a much more beautiful place now! We love her and look up to her and all the faith she had!
If you want her to touch her life read her blog
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Our little one is growing away and is healthy and things are going great :) Its nice that i have finally been feeling good and i feel back to normal! I still cant believe i have this little baby growing in me its such an amazing thing to me! I cant wait till it starts moving and i can actually feel the baby! Our lives are pretty boring right now and i never have anything to blog about! Look for an update on the 26th of this month cause thats when we find out what are little sweetheart is :) This picture of the baby is 13 weeks and 5 days :)
Monday, September 14, 2009
Our Baby♥

We had our first doctor appt. today and it went great :] the baby is healthy as can be and growing everyday! The baby is due April 14, 2010! The ultrasound was so amazing i almost cryed it was so cute watching the baby in there moving around and waving its little hands and kicking its little feet! I have so much love for this little baby and i havent even meet it yet :] Its amazing seeing the little baby in there! We are so excited and i am loving every minute of this pregnancy! I have been very very sick but i know it will be totally worth it all in the end cause of this amazing little baby and gift :]
Saturday, August 29, 2009
We are having a little baby :] its a little unexpected but we couldn't be any happier! Little babies are such an amazing little blessing and gift! We can't wait till we find out what we are having! Its also exciting because me and my sister will be having babies just about a month apart! I have been very sick and can not WAIT till that part is over, hopefully in just a few more weeks :]. We are so excited, nervous, scared, and feeling every emotion out there but now that its all happening we wouldn't want it any other way :]
Monday, July 20, 2009
Kyle's 21 :]
Today is my cute husbands birthday, the big 21 yay :] HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABE! He is soo cute and i can't believe he is 21 his first birthday we celebrated MARRIED! I just wanted to let him know i love him so much and am so grateful for him and to have him in my life! He is such an amazing person and i cant ever get enough of him! We celebrated his birthday at his parents house, and had yummy mexican food his favorite and of course home made cheesecake his other favorite! It was a great time, my family came over too! Then after we went swimming, it was a great day!

Sunday, July 12, 2009
Lake Woooho :]
We all went to the lake for some family fun, a big thanks to john and lisa and the girls :]. We had so much fun in the sun tubing, tanning, and just hanging out in the lake, and on the houseboat! The lake was so nice it felt great :]. Everyone went tubing even my cute niece ella, she is such a little dare devil!

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