-Happiest little guy ever
-finally getting his dark hair back and we can do mow-hawks again
-talking, laughing, and smiling all the time
-mommy is still his favorite person
-he will hardly ever stand up with help, he is such a chub so he will only do it sometimes
-close to rolling over, hopefully soon
-LOVES his brother, Brysen is finally playing with him all the time and it melts my heart
-sleeping from 8pm to 8am
-He has 2 naps during the day and 1 catnap at night
-He loves his rice cereal and we are starting veggies hopefully next week
-I wish I knew what this chubba weight is we go to the dr in a few weeks
-He is teething, and drooling, and biting everything he can get his little hands on
-still such an easy baby, he only ever gets mad if he is hungry or tired
-we stopped nursing and now he is drinking what I have stocked in the freezer
-He is starting to notice his feet
-He can sit for a few seconds or longer but we are always there to catch him
-Loves all of his toys, he has a frog in his car seat that he is always tugging and pulling on, its his fav
-Loves the TV, this kid always has his head tilted some odd way so he can see the TV no matter where he is, on the couch, laying under his baby einstein, eating, you name it he is trying to figure out where it is crazy kid, I think its all the color that he likes
I still some days can't believe we have 2 kids and that this little guy is here with us, such a sweet joy to have in our lives! We love you Cayden Nicholas ♥
He really is such a happy smiley little guy!
Such a cute baby!! Good bumping into you the other day!!
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